Bail Bonds Virginia | Chances Bail Bonds Your #1 Online Virginia Bail Resource Tue, 09 Jul 2019 21:00:40 +0000 en hourly 1 Bail Bonds Virginia | Chances Bail Bonds 32 32 Word of the Day: “Arraignment” Sun, 23 Sep 2018 17:08:49 +0000 Listen, Learn, and Pass it on!   We’d like to take this opportunity to share with you another “Word of the Day” feature from Verdikt Media Enterprise Group.   Aaron Duncan, Owner/Bondsmen of Chances Bailbonds, sits down with the world-famous Judge Joe Brown for another legal term: Arraignment. Most citizens get a culture shock after […]

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Listen, Learn, and Pass it on!


We’d like to take this opportunity to share with you another “Word of the Day” feature from Verdikt Media Enterprise Group.


Aaron Duncan, Owner/Bondsmen of Chances Bailbonds, sits down with the world-famous Judge Joe Brown for another legal term: Arraignment.

Most citizens get a culture shock after an arrest. Watch for an example of a proceeding that transpires after catching a criminal case.


Arraignments Near You

Alexandria General District Court                ”

Arraignments and Video Arraignments:  9:00 a.m.



Arlington Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Arraignments and Advisories (in custody): Mon. – Fri., 9:00 a.m.

Arraignments and Advisories (out of custody): Mon. – Thur., 2:00 p.m.


Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Arraignments: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m.


Loudoun General District Court

Courtroom #1D: Monday – Friday

Arraignments: 11:15 a.m.


Loudoun Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Arraignments: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m., Mon. – Fri.


Prince William General District Court

Arraignments: Mon. – Fri., 8:30 a.m. – Walk-in arraignments, Courtroom  1

Mon. – Fri., 9:30 a.m. – In jail video arraignments, Courtroom 2

(The judge scheduled for Civil Court will do the arraignments)


Prince William Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Adult Criminal Lock-Up Arraignments:    Mon. – Fri., 8:30 a.m.

Adult Criminal Walk-In Arraignments:    Mon. – Fri., 9:00 a.m.

Civil Preliminary Hearings/Juvenile  Arraignments (Advisement of Rights):    Mon. – Fri., 10:30 a.m.


Stafford General District Court

Arraignments: Tues. – Fri., 8:30 a.m.


Stafford Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court

Adult Arraignment:    1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Fri., 9:00 a.m.

Juvenile Arraignment:    1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Fri., 10:00 a.m.


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How bail bonds work in Virginia Sat, 08 Jun 2013 23:42:23 +0000 When people are arrested normally family and friends go into shock,panic,and worry. Don’t worry at chances bail bonds we are here to help. When a person is arrested in any locality in Virginia they appear first before a county or city magistrate.The magistrate in turn, reviews the defendants criminal history, ties to the community, risk […]

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When people are arrested normally family and friends go into shock,panic,and worry. Don’t worry at chances bail bonds we are here to help. When a person is arrested in any locality in Virginia they appear first before a county or city magistrate.The magistrate in turn, reviews the defendants criminal history, ties to the community, risk of flight, and nature of offense. Base upon that risk assessment bail is determined. If a secured bail bond is set the defendant has a couple of options in order to get released. Cash or certified funds, property in lieu of ownership deed, or Corporate Surety which is a professionally solvent bail bond company. If the first two options aren’t favorable to the defendant and the parties involved a quality Bail bond company would be your best choice. At chances bail bonds we can form easy payment options, along with flexible bail arrangements in order to have your loved one released. Though the arrested process may seem fast, a defendant being released may take some time.So cool your jets give us the controls and let us bring your loved one home with are expertise and professional discreet service.For complete details call us today! 1-877-787-3380

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How to Post a Bail Bond in Fairfax,Virginia Am or PM Sat, 30 Mar 2013 17:40:05 +0000 Being arrested can be a very stressful time. At Chances Bail Bonds you have our commitment when it comes to having your friend or relative release from Jail. Because we understand how tough and inconvenient times can be, below we have listed a few helpful tips and advice you should gather before making bail bond arrangements. […]

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Being arrested can be a very stressful time. At Chances Bail Bonds you have our commitment when it

comes to having your friend or relative release from Jail. Because we understand how tough and inconvenient

times can be, below we have listed a few helpful tips and advice you should gather before making bail bond arrangements.


* Make sure you have the full legal name and Date of Birth for the person arrested

* Gather the nature and the reasons behind why your loved one may have been arrested

* If possible knowing the arrested individual”s criminal history is helpful (probation,parole,previous arrest,protective orders etc)

* Ties to the community. How long has the individual arrested been in the immediate area

* Citizenship Status immigration alone is a difficult hurdle when trying to be release from jail

*Child Support obligations (if arrested for child support cash bonds are set most of the time)

If arrested in Fairfax County inmates are generally taken to the location shown below. The courthouse is next door to the detention center. The Magistrates office is located there also. If you would like to bail a friend or relative out of jail give us a call and we would love to help you thru the Bail Bond process! (703) 591-2245 or (877) 787-3380 Fast, Quick, and Affordable























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Virginia bond motions, hearings, and arraignments Thu, 05 Jul 2012 00:39:04 +0000 Bond hearings are held daily in most jurisdictions throughout Virginia. At a bond hearing the defendant and counsel present to the court why a bond should be set by the court so the defendant can secure freedom while pending trial. In rebuttal The commonwealth attorney presents an argument on the state’s behalf assessing risk of […]

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Bond hearings are held daily in most jurisdictions throughout Virginia.
At a bond hearing the defendant and counsel present to the court why a bond should be set by the court so the defendant can secure freedom while pending trial. In rebuttal The commonwealth attorney presents an argument on the state’s behalf assessing risk of flight and danger to the community. The judge then makes a determination on whether the defendant is released on a secure or unsecured bond. If a secure bond is set it can be posted with cash, property, or a corporate surety (bondsman). If a bond isn’t set it can be appealed to a higher court. For more info you can contact a attorney for further assistance. If a Bond is set, a bond hearing is scheduled and a bond is expected please feel free to contact us at chances bail bonds and we would be glad to assist and help you through the bail bond process. 1 877 787-3380

Arraignments are held daily in most jurisdictions throughout Virginia. Arraignments consist of defendants who are held without bail and those who for some reason were not able to make bail the night prior. At arraignment court the judge let’s the defendant know what he or she has been formally charge with,and the defendant’s rights to an attorney. The judge also sets a preliminary hearing date. If you have a loved one going up for an arraignment and are looking to secure bail. Please feel free to contact us 24/7 we will be glad to help you anywhere in Virginia and nationwide 1 877 787-3380.

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Bail Bonds Fairfax County Virginia Fri, 25 May 2012 22:54:45 +0000 Chances Bail Bonds is a full service professional Bail Bond Company operating in Northern Virginia.With over a decade of customer oriented  Bail Bond service We offer Bail Bonds in Fairfax County Virginia, Bail Bonds in  Prince William County Virginia, Bail Bonds in Arlington County Virginia, Bail Bonds in Alexandria city Virginia, Bail Bonds in Loudoun County […]

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Chances Bail Bonds is a full service professional Bail Bond Company operating in

Northern Virginia.With over a decade of customer oriented  Bail Bond service

We offer Bail Bonds in Fairfax County Virginia, Bail Bonds in 

Prince William County Virginia, Bail Bonds in Arlington County Virginia, Bail Bonds

in Alexandria city Virginia, Bail Bonds in Loudoun County Virginia, Bail Bonds in

Stafford County Virginia. When you or a loved one want to secure your Freedom remember 

Chances Bail Bonds as your full service Bail Bond provider in Northern Virginia.

If you have a friend or family member incarcerated in any Jail or Adult detention Center

in Northern Virginia  Fairfax Virginia, Arlington Virginia, Manassas Virginia, Alexandria Virginia

or Stafford County Virginia Chances Bail Bonds can guide you through the Bail Bond process

experienced professionals, Quality service, and compassion through difficult times

for further questions you can contact us at 1 877-787-3380  Have a safe Memorial Day 




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