Rappahannock Regional Jail is located at 1745 Jefferson Davis Highway in Stafford County Virginia. The jail is open 24 hours 7 days a week with a magistrate and correctional officers on site to service you. Click here for their website. There are times during the day when bail cannot be posted due to count and operational schedules. Normally it takes 4 to 6 hours to post bail.
The Rappahannock Regional Jail is a unique jail in the sense that it houses inmates and defendants for Stafford County, Fredericksburg City, Spotsylvania County, and King George County. When arrested on a criminal misdemeanor, or felony charge, a defendant will appear before a magistrate in either jurisdiction for the purpose of a bond hearing. They are then transported to the Rappahannock Regional Jail where they can be released or held without bond.
Magistrates decide the terms of bail by examining certain facts about the accused such as:
- the nature and circumstances of the offense charged
- whether a firearm is alleged to have been used in the offense
- weight of the evidence
- character of the accused
- the accused’s family ties, employment, financial resources
- length of residence in the community
- involvement in education
- past record
- whether the accused is likely to obstruct or attempt to obstruct justice, or threaten, injure, or intimidate, or attempt to threaten, injure, or intimidate a prospective witness, juror, or victim
The magistrate may release the accused on a written promise to appear in court with or without an unsecured bail bond. However, if the magistrate is not reasonably sure that the accused will appear for trial, he or she has the discretion to require the execution of a bail bond with surety in a reasonable amount and impose such other conditions deemed reasonable to ensure appearance at trial.
The monetary sum of the bail bond can be forfeited if the accused fails to appear in court or violates any condition of bail. If the accused poses an unreasonable danger to himself or others, or if it is likely that the accused will not appear in court, the magistrate may commit the accused to jail without bail. In the event this takes place, the defendant will appear before the judge for arraignment court the next morning or business day. For further details please feel free to contact our professional staff at your convenience.