Loudoun County Jails
Loudoun County Adult Detention Center is located at 42035 Loudoun Center Pl., Leesburg, VA 20175 (703) 777-0405. It is located near the Leesburg Airport. The Jail is open 24 hours seven days a week with a Magistrate and other jail officials on site to service you.
If you have a friend or family member in jail in Loudoun County. Likely, you never thought you would find yourself in this situation. Most of our customers have never utilized a bail bond service before and we’re here to help. We are happy to explain the process so that you understand the Loudoun County jail system, the cost of the bail bond, your responsibilities should you decide to proceed with the bail bond and your options. A Virginia licensed bail bondsman is available to answer your Loudoun County Bail Bond questions 24 hours / 7 days. For your Loudoun County Bail Bond needs, call us locally at 703-591-2245.
How the Loudoun County Jail System Works
Arrested individuals in Loudoun County may be taken to the Eastern Loudoun Station or directly to the Adult Detention center. The Adult Detention Center, the Loudoun County Magistrate’s Office and the jail are all located within the same compound at 42035 Loudoun Center Pl, Leesburg, VA 20175. If arrested, you will only see a Magistrate at this compound and not the substation.
Eastern Loudoun Station located at
46620 East Frederick Drive
Sterling, VA 20164
(571) 258-3356
Loudoun County also has three Town Police Departments as follows:
Leesburg Police Department
65 Plaza St. N.E.
Leesburg, VA 20176
Middleburg Police Department
14 S. Madison St.
P.O. Box 187
Middleburg, VA 20118
Purcellville Police Department
125 E. Hirst Rd.
Unit 7A
Purcellville, VA 20132
The Loudoun County Adult Detention Center is the central receiving point for adults arrested in the Loudoun County area. Magistrates provide services on an around-the-clock basis, conducting hearings in person or through the use of videoconferencing.
When an arrestee is moved to a new facility, they must be processed into the system. During the processing time, a bail bond may not be processed by the jail. Our agents can help you understand how the bail bond process is handled based on the location of the inmate.