Bail Bonding Resources
Bail bonds and bail bonding can be a confusing topic. It is our mission to help you through the bail bonding process, and to keep things as simple as possible for our clients and for people who may become our clients in the future. We have assembled some links and resources that may help you here in Virginia and around the country.
Virginia Bail Bond resources – The internet’s oldest bail bond directory and resource site. Virginia Association of Regional Jails, an excellent source of informational resources.
Virginia Courts Court and Judicial System listings for the state of Virgina, a resource everyone can use.
Virginia Department of Corrections The Virginia Department of Corrections is a model correctional agency and a proven innovative leader in the profession, good for resources Professional Bail Agents of the United States. If you want to know what is going on with the bail bonding industry, go here.
California Bail Bonds If you need a bail bond outside of Virginia, contact Premiere Bail Bonds in California.
We are here to help you if you do not find the resources or answers you’re looking for. If you have any questions, contact Chances Bail Bonds toll free at 877-787-3380, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.