Uncategorized | Chances Bail Bonds https://chancesbailbonds.com Your #1 Online Virginia Bail Resource Tue, 09 Jul 2019 21:00:40 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 https://chancesbailbonds.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-main-qimg-b04c0327e7dd7b61a0f386a69e2caf67-c-32x32.jpg Uncategorized | Chances Bail Bonds https://chancesbailbonds.com 32 32 Word of the Day: “Bail” https://chancesbailbonds.com/bail/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/bail/#respond Sat, 15 Sep 2018 07:22:42 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=3028 I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you a new “Word of the Day” feature from Verkikt Media Enterprise Group. Aaron Duncan, Owner/Bondsmen of Chances Bailbonds, recently had the chance to sit down with the legendary Judge Joe Brown to bring exhaustive definition to a legal term “bail” that the Average American citizen […]

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I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you a new “Word of the Day” feature from Verkikt Media Enterprise Group. Aaron Duncan, Owner/Bondsmen of Chances Bailbonds, recently had the chance to sit down with the legendary Judge Joe Brown to bring exhaustive definition to a legal term “bail” that the Average American citizen may not be fully aware of. Understanding of the criminal justice system in today’s times is paramount.


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New Laws That Go Into Effect For 2018 https://chancesbailbonds.com/new-laws-go-effect-2018/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/new-laws-go-effect-2018/#respond Fri, 16 Mar 2018 19:14:41 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2992 With the new year, comes new laws. Several state laws will go into effect Saturday, and a lot of them will most certainly have an effect on our day to day lives Here are some details about a few of them: Left lane fines Slower drivers who camp out in the left lane can be […]

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With the new year, comes new laws. Several state laws will go into effect Saturday, and a lot of them will most certainly have an effect on our day to day lives

Here are some details about a few of them:

Left lane fines

Slower drivers who camp out in the left lane can be fined $100 (HB2201). Del. Israel O’Quinn, R-Bristol, told WTOP radio the change would address “a particularly pervasive and ever-growing problem of cars going grossly under the speed limit in the left lane.” He hopes the new penalty would encourage drivers to move over and cut down on road rage from drivers stuck behind slowpokes.

Don’t call it a visitation

Judges will be allowed to use the words “parenting time” instead of “visitation” in custody cases (HB1456). Del. Dave Albo, R-Fairfax, said a partner who practices family law suggested it because parents who don’t get “visitation” rights say they feel like second-class parents.

Birth control access

Women will be able to get a full year’s prescription for birth control at one time (HB2267). Currently women can get only one or three months’ at a time. Advocates say women are more likely to use birth control continuously and consistently if they have a full year’s worth, leading to significant drops in unintended pregnancies and abortions.

State pay raises

If you’re a state trooper or other employee, a public school teacher or a state college faculty member, you’ll see some more income through the budget (HB1500). State employees will get a 3 percent raise and teachers a 2 percent raise. State trooper starting wages are going up significantly, and the budget also addressed pay compression for more veteran members of the force. Raises go into effect July 10 and will be reflected in the first August paychecks.

Driver’s ed to teach police interaction

Young drivers will be taught “appropriate interactions with law enforcement officers” in public school driver’s education courses (HB2290). It aims to cut down on confusion and fear during traffic stops and would cover law enforcement procedure and how drivers should respond.

Outdoor drinking in certain areas

You’ll be able to buy a drink at one tavern, carry it outdoors and even to another establishment in certain pedestrian-friendly commercial districts under a new type of alcohol license (HB1987). The law was created for a Northern Virginia mixed-use center. Officials from Virginia Beach’s Town Center, one of the few Hampton Roads places that may qualify, have said they are not likely to pursue such a license. It does leave the door open for a developer to bring the idea to Hampton Roads.

Stronger Alcohol

The state can now sell 151-proof neutral grain alcohol like Everclear. Previously, it could only sell 101 proof. But it still can’t sell the strongest version – 190 proof.

Driver’s license suspension, marijuana, and court fee payment plans

Those convicted of a first-time marijuana offense will avoid an automatic six-month driver’s license suspension (SB 1091). Another new law will make it easier for people with court debts to enter into a deferred or installment payment plan to avoid having their licenses suspended (HB2386). The bill sets a down-payment limit of $100.

What to do after a car crash

Drivers will be required to move a vehicle from the road after a breakdown, accident or another emergency that did not result in injury or death if the vehicle is movable and the driver is capable of safely doing so (HB2022). Del. Ron Villanueva, R-Virginia Beach, hopes it decreases the length of time that crashes tie up interstates.

Airbnb/short-term rental registries

Local governments will be allowed to create registers of those who offer their property for short-term rentals through online sites like Airbnb (SB1578). The registries would give officials name and address information needed to regulate and tax the rentals. Those who don’t register could be fined up to $500.

Ticket reselling

Ticket buyers will be able to resell tickets on any online platform (HB1825). Some sellers, like Ticketmaster, now require ticket holders to resell on their secondary-seller platform.

Schedule your vehicle inspections

Drivers will be able to schedule their annual vehicle inspections with auto shops that have more than one inspection lane (SB 1507). One lane would have to remain first-come, first-served.

Blaze pink

Hunters can make a new fashion statement this deer season. The law adds “blaze pink” or a hot pink color to the types of hunting apparel required during the regular firearms or special muzzle-loading rifle seasons (HB1939).

Electronic hunting license

Hunters, who were required to have their paper license on them when hunting, can carry an electronic version instead.

No peeping Toms

If you use an electronic device to enter the property of another or secretly peep or spy into someone’s property, it can be punished as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Lifetime pet licenses

Localities can offer lifetime dog or cat licenses. The law sets the maximum tax for a lifetime license at $50.

Bullying notification

Principals must notify the parent of any student involved in any bullying of the status of any investigation within five school days .


If you find yourself seeking assistance with bail or legal resources. Contact Chances Bail Bonds today. We have been assisting local communities throughout Virginia, Maryland, and DC for over 15 years. We are Virginia’s number one resource for all your bail bond needs! Fair, Honest & Knowledgeable.


*original article posted https://pilotonline.com/news/government/virginia/article_a8920f09-658d-58d1-805b-9b0b84269408.html*



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What Should I Do If I Don’t Have Bail? https://chancesbailbonds.com/what-should-i-do-if-i-dont-have-bail/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/what-should-i-do-if-i-dont-have-bail/#respond Wed, 14 Mar 2018 19:39:18 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2974 If you or someone you know is arrested and appears in court then the magistrate will decide if you should get bail. Bail is what you must pay or what you must do so you can go free… but only until your trial. How does the magistrate decide if you should get bail? And – […]

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If you or someone you know is arrested and appears in court then the magistrate will decide if you should get bail. Bail is what you must pay or what you must do so you can go free… but only until your trial. How does the magistrate decide if you should get bail? And – this is the important part – how does the magistrate decide how much you should pay? Some people get bail for free, others get bail and it costs thousands! And if you don’t have the cash and can’t pay the bail – what do you do? Are you stuck behind bars until you find the money? Is there a way to get help?


Q: Why do some people get bail and other don’t?
A: They give you bail if they are sure you aren’t going to run away. And if they believe you aren’t going to commit any crimes. If you are suspected of murder you might not get bail because they think you could kill another person (though Oscar Pstorius got bail).
Getting bail is not about if you are guilty or innocent it’s about if the court thinks you’ll run (or not) or cause trouble (or not).

Q: What is going to make a court think I’d not run and so then give me bail?
They are more likely to give you bail if you have a family because they’ll think you won’t want to leave your family. And they’ll have a confirmed address for you.

Q: What’s an example of bail?
A: It’s usually money you have to pay the court. When you pay the cash they let you go.

Q: Why do they charge you money? So the court can make a profit?
They give you the money back even if you lose the trial and go to jail. They hold your bail money to guarantee you’ll come to your trial. If you run away you don’t get the money back.

Q: How do they decide how much I must pay?
They look at the crime you’ve committed, the more serious the crime the more money you pay, and then they look at how rich you are. If the crime is simple (like shoplifting) and you’re poor then the bail should be low. Often it is too much for people to pay.

Q: Where do you go if you can’t pay?
If you can’t pay bail then you’ll go into what is called “remand detention” – this is people waiting for a trial. If your crime is shoplifting your trial will probably be in two or three weeks so you will have to wait that time in “remand detention”.

Q: There is an option for magistrate’s to give bail without money getting involved. Why don’t they do this more often?
It’s difficult to say, but perhaps it is because they want to seem like they are being tough on crime.

Q: What would I have to do instead of paying money?
You can control someone by making them check in to a police station every week or maybe twice a week and hand in their IDs and passports so they can’t run out of the country. You might be banned from drinking or going to certain places

Q: When someone gets released on warning what does that mean?
“On warning” means you get released and you don’t have to do anything before you are meant to come back to court. There are no orders.

Q: But if I didn’t pay money. Then why should I bother coming to court? If there is no cash to lose?
This is a problem, but the police will come and find you if you don’t appear in court and you will be punished more when they do find you.

Q: There are lots of reasons why bail doesn’t get decided on immediately, aren’t there?
Yes. Unfortunately. And if your bail is not decided upon then you go into “remand detention”. They don’t let you free while they decide. They put you in a cell.
The court can spend up to seven days at a time sorting out the paperwork. This could include cops checking your address. They have to go to your house to make sure you live there. You’re in remand the whole time. The court might have to check your legal status. A court might spend three weeks sorting out the paperwork just to DECIDE on if you get bail. Eventually, the court might ask the investigating officer to sort out the case and let you go free.

Q: What are the different schedule crimes? 5 and 6?
These are serious crimes – like murder and rape – when you have to prove that you deserve bail. If you are suspected of murder you have to show the court you deserve bail.

If you find yourself in trouble, or a family member or friend has been arrested in the greater Virginia, Maryland, or D.C area, Chances Bail Bonds are the number one most trusted resource for bail bonds and helpful information regarding the justice system. Contact us today online, or call 877-787-3380.

*original article from: https://citizenjusticenetwork.org/2016/04/04/what-if-you-cant-afford-your-bail-solutions-here/

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The Most Important Qualities To Look For In Your Attorney https://chancesbailbonds.com/important-qualities-look-attorney/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/important-qualities-look-attorney/#respond Fri, 09 Mar 2018 21:16:50 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2977 Good communication skills Lawyers must be orally articulate, have good written communication skills and also be good listeners. In order to argue convincingly in the courtroom before juries and judges, good public speaking skills are essential. Communication and speaking skills can be developed during your studies by taking part in activities such as mooting or general public speaking. […]

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Good communication skills

Lawyers must be orally articulate, have good written communication skills and also be good listeners. In order to argue convincingly in the courtroom before juries and judges, good public speaking skills are essential. Communication and speaking skills can be developed during your studies by taking part in activities such as mooting or general public speaking.

Lawyers must also be able to write clearly, persuasively and concisely, as they must produce a variety of legal documents.

But it’s not all about projection. To be able to analyze what clients tell them or follow a complex testimony, a lawyer must have good listening skills.


The ability to draw reasonable, logical conclusions or assumptions from limited information is essential as a lawyer.

They must also be able to consider these judgments critically so that they can anticipate potential areas of weakness in their argument that must be fortified against.

Similarly, they must be able to spot points of weakness in an oppositions argument. Decisiveness is also a part of judgment. There will be a lot of important judgment calls to make and little time for sitting on the fence.

Analytical Skills

Both the study and practice of law involve absorbing large quantities of information, then having to distill it into something manageable and logical.

At times, there will be more than one reasonable conclusion, or more than one precedent applicable to resolving a situation.

A lawyer must, therefore, have the evaluative skills in order to choose which is the most suitable.

Research Skills

Similarly, being able to research quickly and effectively is essential to understanding your clients, their needs, and to preparing legal strategies requires absorbing and comprehending large amounts of information, then distilling them down into something manageable and useful.

People Skills

Law is not an abstract practice. Irrelevant of how well someone does academically, at the end of the day lawyers work with people, on behalf of people, and the decisions that are made affect peoples’ lives.

They must be personable, persuasive and able to read others. This allows them to gauge juror’s reactions and the honesty of witnesses.

This allows them to decide upon the best approach to take in order to achieve the desired outcome: either client taking their advice or reaching a favorable negotiation with the opposition.


“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” Even studying to become a lawyer takes a great deal of perseverance and commitment – and that’s before you even start work!

Typically, a lawyer will do an undergraduate law degree, an LPC, and then a training contract before qualifying. Most will also complete a vacation scheme or some other kind of work experience.

When working on a case, you must have the perseverance to complete the work necessary to drive it to a successful finish.


The very top lawyers are not only logical and analytical, but they display a great deal of creativity in their problem-solving.

The best solution is not always the most obvious and in order to outmaneuver your challenger it is often necessary to think outside the box.

If you find yourself in trouble, or a family member or friend has been arrested in the greater Virginia, Maryland, or D.C area, Chances Bail Bonds are the number one most trusted resource for bail bonds and helpful information regarding the justice system. Contact us today online, or call 877-787-3380.




*originial article from: https://www.allaboutlaw.co.uk/stage/becoming-a-lawyer/7-qualities-every-good-lawyer-should-have


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What Is A Protective Order? https://chancesbailbonds.com/what-is-a-protective-order/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/what-is-a-protective-order/#respond Sun, 04 Mar 2018 15:00:16 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2980 Have you ever heard of a restraining order? If yes, then you have an idea as to what a protective order entails. A protective order is usually issued in cases such as sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking or harassment. This order is usually issued in an attempt to protect a person, company, business, or establishment. […]

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Have you ever heard of a restraining order? If yes, then you have an idea as to what a protective order entails. A protective order is usually issued in cases such as sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking or harassment. This order is usually issued in an attempt to protect a person, company, business, or establishment.

What does a protective order entail?

The significance of a protective order is to ban an accused abuser from contacting or interfering in the lives of the alleged victims. Some alleged victims also request the court to place a ” no contact ” provision, in that all forms of communication, either through email, telephone, notes, deliveries, etc, be prohibited. A cease abuse order may also be placed by the court instructing the alleged abuser not to either abuse or harass anyone.

In the case where the victim and the abuser are cohabitating in the same household, the court can order the abuser to leave, notwithstanding if the house is in the abuser’s name and custody of the children can be granted to the victim. The abuser may also be ordered to pay certain costs such as child support, household bills, and to attend counseling sessions.

What are the benefits of a protective order?

A protective order protects the victims from future abuse which may arise in the absence of such an order. Violence, sexual assault, harassment, stalking, and similar abuses will hopefully abruptly stop. When the abuser violates the order, the victim has every right to inform the police, the police would then sign a criminal content for contempt of the court order by the abuser. Some states impose a one thousand dollar fine together with a one year sentence.

It should be noted that anybody who is a victim of family violence, stalking, harassment, sexual assault, and human trafficking is eligible for a protective order, especially if such cases are likely to reoccur.


If you find yourself in trouble, or a family member or friend has been arrested in the greater Virginia, Maryland, or D.C area, Chances Bail Bonds are the number one most trusted resource for bail bonds and helpful information regarding the justice system. Contact us today online, or call 877-787-3380.

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What Is A Detainer? https://chancesbailbonds.com/what-is-a-detainer/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/what-is-a-detainer/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:54:38 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2983         While there are several terms used in law, ” detainer ” is one word that is not widely understood by most people. A detainer is mostly concerned with criminal law and is applied when a person already in custody is held further sometimes due to a pending charge. More clearly stated, […]

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While there are several terms used in law, ” detainer ” is one word that is not widely understood by most people. A detainer is mostly concerned with criminal law and is applied when a person already in custody is held further sometimes due to a pending charge. More clearly stated, a detainer is a request ( written or statement) to hold further a criminal defendant.

This request is mostly filed by a criminal justice agency connected to the institution in which the prisoner is incarcerated. The prisoner is either held for the agency, or the institution notifies the agency upon the impending release of the prisoner. What a detainer proposes to the prisoner is this; that as soon as the original period of incarceration elapses, there will be a continued institutionalization.


How does a detainer affect a prisoner?

Certain credits such as some months off for participating in certain training programs are given to prisoners. The emergence of a detainer for a prisoner immediately rids the prisoner of any of such credits, it also fills the prisoner with devastation, anxiety and apprehension. This, in turn, obstructs the prisoners’ journey to rehabilitation as he rarely is affected by his training programs.

Can an attorney help with a detainer?

The good news here is this;  the presence of a competent attorney can cancel the presence of a detainer on a prisoner. The attorney’s knowledge of such pending charges upon which a detainer is placed on his client is very crucial at this point. The competent attorney can have these charges dismissed or disposed of. Thus, the institution then clears all pending charges on the prisoner, and the prisoner is free to go as soon as the period of incarceration elapses.

While the knowledge that a detainer has been placed on a prisoner can bring about much gloom and sadness to the prisoner, the knowledge that there exists a competent attorney to help dismiss the detainer is usually one which carries with it so much hope and joy.


If you find yourself in trouble, or a family member or friend has been arrested in the greater Virginia, Maryland, or D.C area, Chances Bail Bonds are the number one most trusted resource for bail bonds and helpful information regarding the justice system. Contact us today online, or call 877-787-3380.

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Helpful Tips To Know About Court https://chancesbailbonds.com/helpful-tips-know-court/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/helpful-tips-know-court/#respond Wed, 07 Feb 2018 01:28:03 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2957 When you think about going to court it most definitely does not elicit warm happy feelings in the pit of your stomach, in fact, it can be quite stressful. So why in the world would you even decide to go to court? Chances Bail Bonds, who have been providing bail bonding services and top-notch information […]

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When you think about going to court it most definitely does not elicit warm happy feelings in the pit of your stomach, in fact, it can be quite stressful. So why in the world would you even decide to go to court? Chances Bail Bonds, who have been providing bail bonding services and top-notch information and resources to the greater Virginia, Maryland, and D.C areas for over 14 years, provides tips to help soothe you through the proceedings and keep your wits about you.

The courtroom can sometimes feel as if it was created to induce anxiety, between the judge and all the people in the courtroom seemingly focused on you, it’s hard to focus on what needs to be done in order to have a successful outcome. With these helpful tips listed below, hopefully, with the power of knowledge, you will be able to face any situation in court with confidence.



If at all possible look for mediation instead of litigation.

In just about all circumstances, mediating a situation is more desirable instead of litigating the situation in open court. Litigation is like combat with distinct sets of very structured and uniformed rules. Mediation, however, is a lot less formal and looks to locate a middle ground where both parties can be satisfied. Mediation is perfect because it puts aside the thought of “winning and losing” and instead looks to just solve the issue at hand. Most people are more than willing to compromise and reach a settlement when there is no pressure to win or the anxiety of losing.  Also, mediation is ideal because there are less pressure and concern about money and expenses.


Maintain control of your case.

It is certain that the best lawyers in the industry are the lawyers that comprehend the significance of constant communication with their clients. It is best to keep in mind, that the case that your lawyer is working on is in fact, your case. Let your attorney know that you want to be completely informed and engaged in the major decisions in regards to your case.


If you choose to represent yourself, keep in mind that the judges and clerks are public servants.

Taxes are used to pay the wages and salaries of the judges and court clerks that you will argue your case in front of. Unfortunately, people that choose to represent themselves in court can be looked down on by the court staff.People that represent themselves in court are usually advised to hire legal counsel. If this should happen, or you get confused by the legal jargon and rules, make sure to remain calm and ask for clarification. If you show an interest in following correct courtroom procedures and rules, judges and court clerks are more apt to help.

It is okay to relax, laugh even, when appropriate.

“Not only will laughing at the small, yet funny, things in court help you with your own confidence, but it may improve the mood of the courtroom in general. Remember that judges are people too and often appreciate levity when it is appropriate. So when you make a blunder in a speech to a judge, don’t be afraid to grin and laugh a little.” – Ten Court Tips: How To Survive Your Day in Court (FindLaw)


Follow the proper etiquette while waiting in the back of the courtroom.

Make sure that you appear to pay attention. It is helpful to really listen and learn about the process, including the judge before your case. Give the impression that you are interested in the proceedings, and maintain a polite, respectful demeanor to the courtroom staff, clerk, and others as they will report your behavior.

Be aware of your actions. Reading a newspaper, listening to your iPod, using your cell phone or just talking to others as a case is in progress will definitely make you stand out for the wrong reasons. Just as staff and clerks will report the good behavior they will also do the same for the bad. No matter if you agree or disagree, no matter how strongly you feel wronged, do not let your negative emotions override your self-control. Angry outbursts, rolling your eyes or being verbally aggressive will only hurt your case in the end.

Know how to speak to the judge.

Simply put, always refer to the judge as “Your Honor” and speak with respect. DO NOT act angry, irritable, aggravated or short-tempered with the judge, even if you are upset about your case.

And finally, dress for success!

It is not required that you show up in formal attire, however, you most definitely want to present a neat and professional appearance. In the circumstance that you have to come immediately from work, make sure that you do mention it. The judge should be understanding.

f you are in need of a trustworthy, experienced bail bondsman in any of D.C, Maryland, Fairfax VA, Leesburg VA, Arlington VA, Alexandria VA, Prince William VA, Manassas VA, Stafford VA, Fredricksburg VA, Richmond VA, Newport News VA, Virginia Beach VA, Lynchburg VA, or any other location nationwide, contact Chances Bail Bonds online or call (877) 787-3380 for immediate assistance. With over 14 years of experience, we are the #1 Bail Bond resource!

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5 Things To Know If I’m Arrested https://chancesbailbonds.com/5-things-know-im-arrested/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/5-things-know-im-arrested/#respond Mon, 29 Jan 2018 17:15:31 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2950 The police have you handcuffed and your heart is ready to burst through. Anxiety, fear, confusion and even desperation may be overwhelming your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The last thing you want to hear is “calm down”. If anything it has the opposite effect, causing more hysteria within your mind and body. So the question […]

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Chances Bail Bonds, 5 Things To Know If I Get Arrested

The police have you handcuffed and your heart is ready to burst through. Anxiety, fear, confusion and even desperation may be overwhelming your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The last thing you want to hear is “calm down”. If anything it has the opposite effect, causing more hysteria within your mind and body. So the question is what do you do? What SHOULD you do?  Whether you are arrested for DUI or an altercation, clearing your mind will seem virtually impossible, however, it is exactly what you need to do before anything else. 


There are so many different types of people that are arrested every single day. Even though it may feel as though you are the only one in the world having the worst day, sadly there are thousands of arrests made on a daily basis. The best thing to do is follow some basic rules, and try to refrain from making the situation worse.

Chances Bail Bonds, located throughout Virginia in areas like Fairfax, Arlington, and Prince William, has over 14 years experience in the bail bonds industry and has helped countless clients with not just bail but also finding the resources to have a fair chance in court. Chances Bail Bonds, provides bail assistance to the greater Virginia, Maryland and even DC areas. We have compiled the top 5 things to know if you should get arrested.

“I’m planning on getting arrested today.” said no one, ever! However, you may be arrested for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If your day or evening should take this unfortunate turn of events keep these 5 things to know if you are arrested in mind.

1. You have the right to remain silent…take that right!

It’s easy to convince yourself that you can somehow persuade the arresting officer that you are not guilty. You must keep in mind that your case is not decided by the officer. No matter how much you say or plead or beg, they can not decide on guilty or not guilty. You want and need to wait to talk with your lawyer. The courts and specifically juries give immense importance to “confessions” during the point of the trial. A suspect is almost NEVER released after being arrested unless they are released on bail in which case you want to contact a trusted bail bondsman in your area.

Remember you do not have to say anything to the officer. You have a right to remain silent – take advantage of it. Majority of the time, when people try to talk their way out of an arrest they end up saying something that makes their circumstance a lot worse. Stay silent and wait for your lawyer.


2. Stay put, and do not resist arrest.

You need to follow the instructions of the officer. Do not let fear take you over to the point of flight or fight. Two things that will just add more time and complications to your case. By running you are adding more charges, and if your case goes to trial, then the prosecution could possibly get a special jury instruction that is read directly to the jury. It is called “Consciousness of Guilt” which basically means that the jury is told innocent people do not run. Even more dangerous is that the officer can come to the conclusion that you have a weapon and draw their gun. The damage could be irreparable.

Even worse than running would be to resist arrest. Never touch the police at all! Your fight should be against your case, absolutely NOT the officer. Some people try to push or slap the officer’s hands away. This can become over-reported by the officer and the slight push or slap then falls under the assault statutes and now a minor misdemeanor arrest becomes a FELONY.

3. It is legal for the police to LIE.

Believe it or not it actually absolutely legal for the police to “lie” to entice you to make an admission. The truth is they are trained in the Reid Technique, which is where you lie about having fingerprints, witness, video/audio, or even DNA to get a confession.to lie to you to get the confession. In fact, police will often times separate two friends and tell one the other one told on them, and because of that lie, the other friend will turn in their friend first. If they should say any of these things to you, or even “it would be easier to talk now”, be on guard and remember it is legal for them to lie to you to get a confession. WAIT FOR YOUR LAWYER!

4. You can refuse any searches.

You do not have to allow the police to search anywhere. If they should ask, they do not have the right to search and need to have your consent. Be sure you announce to any present witnesses that “You (the police) do not have consent to search.” In the event that to do the search anyway, that evidence may be thrown out later. Even if you feel as though there is “nothing to hide’ and consent to the search, there is always the chance that they might find something you knew nothing about, for example, marijuana left by a friend or family member. There is no talking your way out of that.

Another thing to keep in mind is that police are trained to observe you and react accordingly. They are aware of the fact that you are anxious and fearful, and instinctually people look toward the areas that the DON’T want the police to search. Your best bet is to look down or straight ahead and keep your mouth closed!


5. You have the right to refuse entry into your home.

Should the police be convinced that you have committed a felony, they are going to enter regardless of your refusal because they generally will not need an arrest warrant. However, you need to make it clear to the police and state: “No you may not come in”, or “I am comfortable talking right here”, or “You need a search warrant to enter my home.” If they return, your lawyer can make arrangements for you to turn yourself in if that is required, and you will not have to spend time in jail between the hearings.

If you are arrested outside your home, the arresting officer might suggest going inside to change, talk to your spouse, get a coat, or any other reason to get inside. Once you accept the “offer” they will then bring you in and proceed to search through your home. The same goes for your vehicle. They are not “securing it” they are using any technique possible to search your property.

Hopefully, you keep these 5 things to know if you get arrested in mind should you find yourself in a less than desirable situation of arrest. Remember there is help out there, and you do not have to go into such a scary situation alone and uninformed. Keep your rights intact and reach out for help.

If you are in need of a trustworthy, experienced bail bondsman in any of D.C, Maryland, Fairfax VA, Leesburg VA, Arlington VA, Alexandria VA, Prince William VA, Manassas VA, Stafford VA, Fredricksburg VA, Richmond VA, Newport News VA, Virginia Beach VA, Lynchburg VA, or any other location nationwide, contact Chances Bail Bonds online or call (877) 787-3380 for immediate assistance. With over 14 years of experience, we are the #1 Bail Bond resource!

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5 Ways A Bail Bondsman Can Help Your Community https://chancesbailbonds.com/5-ways-bail-bondsman-can-help-community/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/5-ways-bail-bondsman-can-help-community/#respond Fri, 26 Jan 2018 13:39:12 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=2942 A bail bondsman is a continuation of the criminal justice system, particularly accessible to assist the arrestee, defendant, or inmate by administering the service of posting bail for their release from custody, allowing that it is a right provided by the court. Chances Bail Bonds, who have been serving the greater Virginia, Maryland, and D.C […]

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A bail bondsman is a continuation of the criminal justice system, particularly accessible to assist the arrestee, defendant, or inmate by administering the service of posting bail for their release from custody, allowing that it is a right provided by the court. Chances Bail Bonds, who have been serving the greater Virginia, Maryland, and D.C areas, with bail bond offices throughout Virginia from Fairfax to Lynchburg, explain 5 ways an experienced bail bondsman can help not only the defendant but also the community. should you find yourself in need of bail assistance.


If you are like the majority of people your only experience with a bail bondsman is what you’ve seen on t.v, which is an extremely exaggerated interpretation of reality. Unfortunately, similar to any type of business, there are individuals who abuse the power they are given the position of a bail bondsman. That is why it best to do your research and choose a bail bondsman whom you can trust to not only provide you with assistance but who present themselves in an honest and knowledgeable way.

The organization of bail and bail bonds may seem as though it is a restricted business between a bail bondsman, the court system, and the defendants. However, the bail bond business actually has larger effects on the local and state economy than many are aware of, and most of which are actually positive. If you have ever wondered what the bail bond system does for you, here are ways that it fuels positive community growth that we can all enjoy.

1) A bail bondsman provides an affordable service to the community.

By assisting in the defendant in posting bail, it allows the defendant to get the chance to spend quality time with loved ones and friends while at the same time preparing their defense with an attorney, Chances Bail Bonds has a list of referrals for attorneys in the greater Virginia, Maryland, and DC areas, that can help build a great defense case. A much more productive situation for all concerned than sitting in jail awaiting court.

2) They add more jobs to the community.

With the topic of unemployment strongly debated, most discussions focus on how to create more jobs for Americans everywhere. And no matter where the conversation veers, most everyone agrees that more employed individuals will lead to a better society overall.

The bail bond industry contributes to this by opening up numerous employment opportunities for Americans of all skill levels that wish to work in the criminal justice system. And as more and more jobs are created in this industry, fewer citizens will face the prospect of not having a job.

3) The exchange of money is positive for the community.

Economists across the world have debated whether or not consumer spending is a driver of economic growth, or simply a consequence. Ultimately though, many economists concur over the fact that money changing hands in an economy is a sign of a strong economy, and should be fostered in every way possible. Because the bail bond system epitomizes this concept entirely (as it is an industry in which money changes hands), the growth of these endeavors are a sure sign of positive growth and should be encouraged, as this then can have a positive effect on us all.

4) Bail bonds add money back into the community.

Have you ever imagined what would happen though, if individuals were forced to pay the full amount, or instead wait in jail until the start of the court proceedings? Countless more men and women would end up staying in jail, which would leech money from taxpayers across the entire country. Because the incarcerated must be fed, clothed, sheltered, and tended to in a humane manner, huge sums of money would be allocated to this endeavor in the prisons, taking it away from other, more pressing projects. With the existence of the bail bond system, this capital is freed up, allowing it to be spent on civic projects, such as better education systems, sturdier roads, and anything else the taxpayers want.

5) Bail bonds are good for the community.

Yes, bail bonds are an easy way for you to assure the release of a family member or a loved one, but also they help aide a growing economy for everyone. If you know someone that is in need of assistance from a knowledgeable, an experienced and trustworthy bail bondsman in the greater Virginia, Maryland, and D.C areas, contact Chances Bail Bonds today to start the process immediately.

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Motivated https://chancesbailbonds.com/staying-motivated/ https://chancesbailbonds.com/staying-motivated/#respond Fri, 27 Mar 2015 19:05:50 +0000 http://chancesbailbonds.com/?p=751 Keeping ourselves motivated I wanted to share some things we’ve done here at Chances Bail Bonds that keep us motivated when life is hard. We are men and women of faith, and that holds us together. There are ideals we share, and they are what make us strong as a team. Let me show you, […]

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Keeping ourselves motivated

I wanted to share some things we’ve done here at Chances Bail Bonds that keep us motivated when life is hard. We are men and women of faith, and that holds us together. There are ideals we share, and they are what make us strong as a team.

Let me show you, and you’ll get to know us a little better.

Puppy_Advice Chances_Matthew_Gospel No Greater Love Did you tell him?

There is a big connection between health of spirit and mind and the chance that someone will turn to crime. Everybody wants the world to be easy, and it isn’t.

Keeping your heart and mind straight is hard in this world. Staying true and motivated is just as tough. Reach out to your friends, your church, your family, and community to keep you moving in the right direction. You can turn to us, too. Our mission is to serve.

In the end, though, you are the only person in charge of your choices, chances, and motivation. Make good choices and reap the benefits.

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